Architectural Review
When a homeowner is considering a structural or design change of their Ashborough property (sheds,fences,trees,painting,etc), advance approval must be granted by the Architectural Review Board, which is technically the board of directors, but because the board of directors meets infrequently the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) will receive and review all requests as they come in, meet with homeowners, and make recommendations. The committee has members with knowledge of landscape design, trees, covenants, codes, interior design, etc.
These experienced people can then -
A) review the project to ensure that it conforms to our covenants
B) if necessary, make alternate suggestions that will work for both the homeowner and the neighborhood
Appealing a Denial - If a homeowner is denied approval by the ARC, the decision may be appealed to the entire Board of Directors by submitting an Appeals Form and stating your case at the next board meeting.